Mandolin Workshop: Bluegrass and beyond - Mike Marshall (USA)
, Schalloch Musikhandel GmbH, Karolinenstraße 4 -5, 20357 Hamburg

Erlebt New Acoustic Music und Bluegrass Legende Mike Marshall (USA) hautnah in einem Mandolinen Workshop in Hamburg.
29.05.2023, 11:00 - 14:30 Uhr
Teilnehmerzahl limitiert auf 15 Personen
Teilnehmerbeitrag 75 EUR.
Anmeldungen bis zum 30. März 2023 an: oder unter: +49 40 438494
Über den Kurs:
We will start with the fundamentals: Posture, right- and left-hand technique, pick hold, tone production and musical essentials. We will work on some simple songs (TAB and music provided) play some of the easy fiddle tunes and bluegrass songs and discuss how each of you can move forward in your mandolin journey. We’ll cover some of the basic moveable chord shapes and play in a few different keys. We’ll also look at some rhythm patterns from a few different musical styles including Bluegrass, Swing and Jazz, Dawg music and Brazilian Choro.
The second part of the class will lead us to theory on the mandolin, finding chords using three basic moveable shapes, arpeggios and scales and Double stops and how to use them effectively. We’ll learn some Brazilian choro tunes and break down the mystery of those syncopated rhythms. If anyone would like to play for me I should have time for a few masterclass type lessons in front of the group.